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About The Platform


Vorlon is the first easy way to secure complex SaaS ecosystems. With Vorlon, your SaaS gets proactive security coverage like you have for your endpoints and cloud. After an agentless, proxy-free setup, you can monitor sensitive data flows, manage secrets, detect anomalies, and revoke access.

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Threat Discovery with Vorlon
Vorlon Checkmark

Reduce Your Time to Detect

Vorlon Checkmark

Reduce Your Time to Respond

Vorlon Checkmark

Reduce Your Attack Surface

Continuous Monitoring

Understand your risk with continuous risk scoring for all SaaS applications, secrets, and users.

Continuous Third-Party Risk Monitoring with Vorlon
Third-Party Secrets Inventory with Vorlon

Secrets Management

Monitor all your secrets’ metadata and activity. Understand the lifecycle, usage, and behavior of your secrets with a comprehensive inventory.

Threat Investigation

Get alerted to anomalous connections into your SaaS apps. Malicious IP address identification is built directly into Vorlon for faster threat investigations.

Threat Investigation Enrichment with Vorlon
Real-Time Data Analysis with Vorlon

Real-Time Data Analysis

Continuously monitor and analyze the data flows between your organization’s SaaS apps in near real-time. Vorlon detects anomalies for malicious and inappropriate activity.

Compliance Violation Prevention

Reduce fines from costly compliance violations by proactively managing access to sensitive SaaS data. Quickly correct potential issues before they become violations with continuous monitoring and behavioral notifications.

Third-Party Vendor Compliance Profiles with Vorlon
Behavioral Alerts with Vorlon

Behavioral Alerts

All apps have a behavioral baseline of normal, valid traffic. Know immediately when something isn't right with alerts sent in-app, or via SMS, Slack, or Microsoft Teams.

Fix with Two Clicks

Respond to security incidents within minutes, not months. Revoke or rotate secrets within the Vorlon platform. 

Revoke Secrets with Vorlon


View a comprehensive summary of your SaaS apps, secrets, and data, including in-depth insights into trends and what requires your immediate attention.



Discover all connected applications and services. Drill down into their connections and analyze traffic for detailed investigations.

risk profile

Risk Profile

Configure observed apps and tag sensitive data. See risk scoring and compliance for each SaaS vendor and benchmark your instance of their app.



See an inventory of all SaaS secrets, including permissions and metadata. Manage secrets by tagging, adding notes, or revoking.



View and manage real-time alerts in a user-friendly interface. Detailed response recommendations are provided for each alert.

Vorbot Outline

Ask Vorlon

Your AI Advisor knows and learns your SaaS ecosystem. Ask it anything you want about your apps, secrets, and data.

What the Experts Say
Legendary SANS Institute DFIR Expert Takes First Look at Vorlon

Jason Jordaan, one of the most famous digital forensics and incident response instructors shares his perspective on Vorlon for security analysts in his First Look review.

This report provides an agnostic opinion of Vorlon and was written by SANS Institute with the express purpose of articulating the perceived value for a cybersecurity practitioner. 

  • Compliance and Protecting Your Data
  • Visibility of Your Third-Party API Ecosystem
  • Threat Detection and Incident Response

Ready to take command of your third-party app ecosystem?

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