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You lose 100% control of your company's data when you integrate with third-party APIs.

Take back control of your data with Vorlon, the solution for third-party API data breaches.

Join leading security teams who put their trust in Vorlon


Why you don't have control. 

Security experts using Vorlon:
  • Gain continuous visibility and control of sensitive data shared via API across third-party applications.
  • Contextualize what data goes where, when, and how.
  • Respond faster by reducing the complexity of investigating and responding to third-party security incidents.


What Industry Experts Say About Vorlon

Avishai Avivi
SafeBreach, CISO

"Vorlon helped us understand not just the APIs we were using but also what systems these APIs were connecting to and the data that was enabled on top of the APIs. Vorlon provided me with quite a bit of telemetry and threat intel around our API usage — which is especially game-changing for the third parties that might as well be a black box to us. The biggest takeaway for us is the sheer size of the attack surface generated by third-party vendors connecting to our data both directly and indirectly."

Jamie Brown
Vivun, CISO

"Vorlon gives us greater visibility across all third-party API assets and dramatically reduced event triage timelines."

Eric Richard
Dutchie, CISO (formerly HubSpot CISO)

"I think most CISOs already know this, but third-party APIs are right now probably one of the Achilles heels of our world, with a very wide usage and almost no visibility unto them. The goal, through a tool like Vorlon, is you can bring that out of the shadows and into the light and can start to put the same sorts of controls in API security that we’ve put on all sorts of other security over the last decades."

Anthony Lee-Masis
CISO and Data Privacy Officer

"Every few years, cybersecurity undergoes a transformation to safeguard what's truly invaluable. As businesses increasingly embrace third-party solutions, it's crucial to monitor the data flowing between them. Enter Vorlon, a solution designed to empower businesses with the essential visibility and proactive security measures needed to protect their most valuable assets."

Steve Loughlin
Accel, Partner

"The patent-pending technology Vorlon has built is far superior to anything else we have seen in this space."

Ready to see Vorlon in action?